In spite of the fact the Toyota brand has hit a few PR speed bumps recently, they are still coming up with some amazing work that extends beyond just TV, beyond just digital, but into a level of integration that allows Nascar fans (some of the most passionate sports fans in the world) to engage with the brand in a very deep way.
Through Sponsafier, fans could log in, design their own Nascar body, submit their car for voting (by the people of course), and have a chance for their design to become the official pace car of the 2010 Nascar Sprint All Star Race.
As evidence of the kind of buzz this has created, a simple search for "Sponsafier" on the internet reveals hundred of blog posts, forum posts, etc. in which people are asking friends, family, and the patrons of the internet to follow a link to vote for their fresh design.
Great TV spots, too.