Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What Has The Recession Brought?

Here are a few things I have seen more of recently since the recession really set in. You be the judge of whether there is a causal relationship between the economy and these events.

Here is the list:
  • Brands battling it out mono y mono style (ie: KFC Grilled Chicken Vs. El Pollo Loco)
  • Brands I work for going on Oprah
  • Swine flu
  • Long hours at the office
  • Horsepower
  • Old shoes
  • Twitter blowing up
  • Bad haircuts
  • Thai food
  • Refrigerated bananas
  • Obscene emoticons (obscenicons)
  • Free gas
  • Sun burns
  • Pyramid schemes
So what do you think? Which ones are coincidence and which ones are direct results of the recession? What has changed in your world because of the economic funk?


  1. i like the list. some seriously have no relation to the recession that i can think of.

    i'm sincerely answering your question and saying that the recession has created an anxiety in me that i've never felt before--a permanent underlying fear of losing my job and having to move in with my parents! some days are more intense than others, but the fear has been there since march and will last till only heaven knows.

    nevertheless with this fear in tact, i still manage to shop at nordstrom just as much and go out to eat at least 3 times a week. i suck at the recession.

  2. I can attest to three of them since I've been laid off: a bad haircut, sunburns and increased Twittering.

    I'm saving money by not caring about my hair. Plus my wife is sworn to love me no matter what, so...

    Seeing as how I don't spend all my sunlight hours in a cube anymore sunburns are a bigger issue. My month-long surfing binge has definitely brought some color. Well, my head, hands and feet anyway.

    And Twittering 140 characters is the closest I've come to writing a headline in over a month.

    There is another trend I've noticed that didn't make your list: My kids have gotten a lot better at basketball during the downturn.

  3. Haha. Kids getting better at team sports almost made my list but it didn't have a direct enough impact on me. Maybe I better start wagering on tee-ball, AYSO, and NJB

  4. -Single Family Residences in Los Angeles in our price range. They're beat to hell and have loads of unpermitted work, but in our price range
    -A big head because it hasn't affected us at all
    -We're both much gasier, if that's even possible.
