Wednesday, January 28, 2009

TNT's Trust Me: Where are all the planners?

This last Monday marked the season premier of TNT's new advertising agency based TV series, Trust Me. The show stars Eric McCormack and Tom Cavanagh, who play a creative director and his copywriter sidekick.

I will pretty much watch anything made for TV if it is related to advertising. That is my world and I, like most of you, like to see how badly others will portray my life. Most of the time this portrayal is grossly inaccurate and yet I continue to give these shows a shot.

Being that I am an account planner/strategist, I of course felt that the creatives get way too much coverage in this series and that my kind were portrayed in a negative light. That portrayal was about 10 seconds worth of footage, the first of an awful focus group moderator, and the second, of an annoying planner who comes in to "brief" the newest copywriter on the team.

While the portrayal of ad agency life on the show was probably more indicative of big agencies ten years ago than what it is actually like today, I did enjoy the show and will continue to watch and will postpone further judgment until after a few more episodes. Look to see me glued to the TV late Monday nights after my "Monday Night Skate Night," watching intently for the moment that a planner or an amazing creative brief saves the day...It WILL happen.


  1. dude, everyone knows planners are boring and we're all just wanna-be creatives. ;)

    here's another review of the show from @clairedalton

  2. i'm going to watch this show now, just to learn ad jargon and talk to you like i know what i'm saying. it's my gift to you.
